If you don’t believe in God, What will you teach your children?

As she asked me this question I knew she had her doubts.
How can I be dating a Godless man?
I knew if the conversation continued the evening would soon be over
She on the defensive and I in frustrated bewilderment.
Why must they always question my moral principles?
I didn’t ask her whether she was a good and loving woman,
Or whether she could raise her child to be good, kind and compassionate.
I only saw a woman that I could possibly fall in love with.
Not because she was a Christian, but because the heart knows what it likes

Lets not talk about religion I said, as she hesitantly agreed.
My face flustered with embarrassment as I tried to hold my composure.
I had so much to say in response to her question,
But like always the words are never around when I need them.
I know what I want to say, but my brain is just too slow to retrieve.
I could fill pages and pages of thoughtful prose in response,
But like always the words are never around.
I could see in her eyes a glimmer of disappointment,
As the conversation shifted without a conversion.
He can’t be converted I read in her eyes.

I’ve been through much worst this life will attest.
For heaven sake why does this bother me at all?
Because I like her and I need her approval
I’m as good a man, as a man needs to be.
No baby mamas waiting on me
No abandoned children hating on me
Not afraid of commitment not afraid at all
Far from perfect I have my faults
Just give me a chance and you will see
That I am a man worthy of thee.

I will teach my child the golden rule.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto thee”
I will teach my child the laws of ethical behavior
Passed down from our ancestors to the modern generation.
From Moses to Mandela
From Socrates to Martin Luther King
If they slap your cheek then give them the other.
Forgiveness my child compassion without reward
Cast not the first stone lest thee be without sin.
Judge not my child and preserve your life at all costs,
But give it for the ones you love and only as a last resort.

Oppression abounds and evil runs amok
The universe will kill you unless you are aware.
Let reason be your guide don’t get lost in delusion
The more you know the better your chances of survival.
Unfortunately my child with knowledge comes responsibility
Responsibility to the meek, the poor and the sick.
Freedom my child, preserve it for all at all costs
The price of freedom is high, often paid with by blood.
Spill not any blood let your conscience be your guide
I have faith in you my child; do what’s in your heart.
But most of all, live this life as were it the only
The only life you will ever know.
And if by chance you awake in another
Then live that life as were it the only.

Love thy father and thy mother, thy brothers and thy sisters.
Love your friends and all strangers, the creatures on which you depend
The planet the universe and all in which we live.
For it is our Mother and our Father, of which we know not.
From one seed we sprang, and many we have become.
We are all, and all is one.
Some call it God some call it the Universe
It is for you to decide my child
The world is before thee.
Have faith in your character your ability to succeed.
You carry within you the blood of your mother.
Respect her needs, her need to have faith.
Cause her no heartbreak; just make her proud.
We love you my child your life is what you make it.

David Yanez

Copyright 2010 David Yanez. All Rights Reserved.

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